This is the one close up we got. Kind of neat in a Skelator sort of way. You can make out the eyes, nose, mouth and head.

Here's Little Yostie sucking his thumb.

A frontal view with his / her arms crossed

More thumb sucking

A side view of our child.
Anyhow, Little Yostie was very active through the whole ultrasound moving about constantly. As for gender... We don't want to know so the nurse didn't say anything. If you see anything in the pics it's probably the umbilical cord. What I found amazing was what she claimed to see. She saw both kidneys, and even after pointing them out there was no way I could tell the different in the shade of grey. Also, they measured blood flow around the bladder. I asked how, and it turns out it is the Doppler shift in the ultrasound waves as the waves strike blood either flowing toward or away from the sensor. Stunning that it is that sensitive! We were told all is well, and Cara's risk factor - Spina Bifida is likely not there, as it is an 'obvious' flaw to someone who looks at hundreds of ultrasounds. More posts coming soon...
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