Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter morning the Easter Bunny decided to make it really easy for Teresa and left a trail of chocolate eggs for her to follow to her basket. It worked out OK. Also, Rowdy didn't eat any because the Easter Bunny was nice enough to lay them out after he was put outside, but before Teresa was out of bed!

What's This?

Mmm.. Food!

Posing very nicely

A better picture of Teresa's dress.

NOOOO!!! Jesus died so I could get free chocolate from a rabbit, not that I would have to go to church in this dress!!!! NOOOO!!!!

Doing better reading books

Reading her her bedtime story Sunday night. This is the book she got in her basket.

What's This?

Mmm.. Food!

Posing very nicely

A better picture of Teresa's dress.

NOOOO!!! Jesus died so I could get free chocolate from a rabbit, not that I would have to go to church in this dress!!!! NOOOO!!!!

Doing better reading books

Reading her her bedtime story Sunday night. This is the book she got in her basket.

Random Teresa Pics
There are two sets of pictures... One of Teresa changing her moods as quickly & violently as a Lake Winnipeg storm can brew up, and one of how we found her in her crib one morning... Stripped right down to her diaper!

Cara's Easter Ceramics
I suppose Cara should blog this, but hey I gave her a day and she forgot... Anyhow, in related news her ceramics lady is retiring and selling all her molds as of the end of April so Cara will be going full bore cleaning stuff she wants to paint for the next forever. Apparently the group of people she does it with may have found another shop to go to.
Cara made an egg that hides candy inside and multicultural bunnies... By that she means a plethora of colours. Here they are. Also included is a picture of the nice cookies Cara found for the 2nd of 3 easter dinners we had from the High Tea Bakery by Assiniboine Park.

Cara made an egg that hides candy inside and multicultural bunnies... By that she means a plethora of colours. Here they are. Also included is a picture of the nice cookies Cara found for the 2nd of 3 easter dinners we had from the High Tea Bakery by Assiniboine Park.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Teresa's Easter Dress
Just a quick post because we have had a LONG long weekend... I just got a whole pile of new pics into iPhoto and figured I should post Teresa & Cara this Easter morning. Teresa looking super cute in her new dress straight outta Palm Springs & Cara looking fabulous. We read in church, and there's lots of story to tell, but we are heading to bed.
Cara subs tomorrow, so don't expect anything new midday.
Cara subs tomorrow, so don't expect anything new midday.

Happy Easter!
Much to my surprise, the Easter Bunny made a trip to our house today. The blog post with pictures will have to wait though as we are off to mass, then Steinbach, then Jeff's.... Thank God I have a PD day tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Teresa's New Bedroom
Well, it is official. The machinations for Teresa to move out of her crib and into a bed are well underway. First, let me put the rumours to rest, as the entire blogosphere seems to be abuzz with rumours of Cara being pregnant, and that is why we are moving Teresa. This is patently false, we have always discussed keeping the nursery the same for a 2nd child in the future and moving Teresa to a big girl bed around 18 months...
As for her new bedroom. We will be moving her into her new room after Spring Break (when we plan an weaning her from her soother). The room will be painted, but we aren't sure of the colour scheme yet. Cara went to Home Despot and picked up a bunch of paint chips today. I am not particularly sold on any particular ones yet, as I want to see what her bed-sheets will be. As we mentioned before we were thinking of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but Cara also saw another nice one that she liked too, so we'll pick them together, likely this weekend. We will empty the room and reuse the baseboards, but get new blinds.
Teresa's bed has been bought and assembled in the basement. We bought a bunkbed from Jysk.

This is a good deal, as it allows us lots of flexibility. First, we can use the top half first with the railing to keep her from rolling off. Secondly, it was on sale and ended up costing only what 2 single beds would cost, and we can use them together or separate. Finally, should we want to stack two kids in a single room, this makes it easier. We already have a mattress too. Thankfully the stinking government tried to steal money from us this year, but we got it back so we can (kinda) afford this stuff. Our reclaimed earnings might also do exciting things like pay for a new eavestrough!
In other news, Teresa keeps saying new stuff constantly, and she has said some longer words lately. She has been on edge though due to her molars trying to peek through and actually ran away from me when I came home this morning! Hmmm... Not much else beyond congrats going out to Ken for getting engaged, I should mention that we are now rarely kenneling Rowdy, only when he has been left alone for a day, the Habs are great and I may have to find a way (it may involve selling drugs, like Tony has had to to pay for his house :) to raise funds to get there for Stanley Cup Final game... Oh yeah, I brought Teresa to the hairdresser on Saturday alone and I got my mop whacked along with her bangs trimmed.

Just looking cute with the sprout hairdo.

When I download pictures from the camera, sometimes I see things that I wasn't there for that make no sense. I'll let Cara try to explain this one in the comments.

Teresa was eating vegetables, and happened to squish a pea onto her forehead.

This one requires a longer explanation. Teresa has started getting into our Lazy Susan where we keep pots & pans because she loves banging them and playing with them (which cause us to trip all over things). Well, she had successfully pushed things around such that she jammed it open, and I had to try to blindly reach in and remove everything from behind it. In a nook, I found this can that was old crab meat & corroded... The picture doesn't do it justice. Cara looked it up on the internet. The compeny was formed in the 80's, but they no longer produce this product so we can't place an age on it.

Teresa really wants to curl I think. She has worn my slider & gripper, now she's tried sweeping, and here she shows good form for coming out of the hack.

Making faces to Cara

Cara had Teresa trying to help out by picking out paint samples she liked. Teresa likes them all, and they clash so either we will need to make choices, or she'll have one ugly room!
As for her new bedroom. We will be moving her into her new room after Spring Break (when we plan an weaning her from her soother). The room will be painted, but we aren't sure of the colour scheme yet. Cara went to Home Despot and picked up a bunch of paint chips today. I am not particularly sold on any particular ones yet, as I want to see what her bed-sheets will be. As we mentioned before we were thinking of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, but Cara also saw another nice one that she liked too, so we'll pick them together, likely this weekend. We will empty the room and reuse the baseboards, but get new blinds.
Teresa's bed has been bought and assembled in the basement. We bought a bunkbed from Jysk.
This is a good deal, as it allows us lots of flexibility. First, we can use the top half first with the railing to keep her from rolling off. Secondly, it was on sale and ended up costing only what 2 single beds would cost, and we can use them together or separate. Finally, should we want to stack two kids in a single room, this makes it easier. We already have a mattress too. Thankfully the stinking government tried to steal money from us this year, but we got it back so we can (kinda) afford this stuff. Our reclaimed earnings might also do exciting things like pay for a new eavestrough!
In other news, Teresa keeps saying new stuff constantly, and she has said some longer words lately. She has been on edge though due to her molars trying to peek through and actually ran away from me when I came home this morning! Hmmm... Not much else beyond congrats going out to Ken for getting engaged, I should mention that we are now rarely kenneling Rowdy, only when he has been left alone for a day, the Habs are great and I may have to find a way (it may involve selling drugs, like Tony has had to to pay for his house :) to raise funds to get there for Stanley Cup Final game... Oh yeah, I brought Teresa to the hairdresser on Saturday alone and I got my mop whacked along with her bangs trimmed.

Just looking cute with the sprout hairdo.

When I download pictures from the camera, sometimes I see things that I wasn't there for that make no sense. I'll let Cara try to explain this one in the comments.

Teresa was eating vegetables, and happened to squish a pea onto her forehead.

This one requires a longer explanation. Teresa has started getting into our Lazy Susan where we keep pots & pans because she loves banging them and playing with them (which cause us to trip all over things). Well, she had successfully pushed things around such that she jammed it open, and I had to try to blindly reach in and remove everything from behind it. In a nook, I found this can that was old crab meat & corroded... The picture doesn't do it justice. Cara looked it up on the internet. The compeny was formed in the 80's, but they no longer produce this product so we can't place an age on it.

Teresa really wants to curl I think. She has worn my slider & gripper, now she's tried sweeping, and here she shows good form for coming out of the hack.

Making faces to Cara

Cara had Teresa trying to help out by picking out paint samples she liked. Teresa likes them all, and they clash so either we will need to make choices, or she'll have one ugly room!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Teresa & Rowdy...
We hung out outside for about 15 minutes after church as it has finally become nice... Teresa has amazing balance in the snow now, and only needed to crawl when she had to climb an 18 inch snow bank, beyond that she was walking even in the softer snow and generally not falling down...
Here are some of the cute pictures. Oh yes, and she knows what a shirt is and how to say it (kinda, it also sounds like a vulgarity as the 'r' is not pronounced very strongly). Finally, she has been doing 'Amen' at home when we say prayers every night, but she has started doing it at church (it need to be proceed by a "In the name of the..." first though). Her concept of Amen is to clap...

Here are some of the cute pictures. Oh yes, and she knows what a shirt is and how to say it (kinda, it also sounds like a vulgarity as the 'r' is not pronounced very strongly). Finally, she has been doing 'Amen' at home when we say prayers every night, but she has started doing it at church (it need to be proceed by a "In the name of the..." first though). Her concept of Amen is to clap...
Friday, March 07, 2008
Today's Top Story...
Well, Teresa annihilated Cara's glasses earlier today as she had been reading the last Harry Potter and then had a nap. Thusly, Cara had left them on the bedside table on my side which is easily reachable by little hands... A few hours later after I got home from work Cara was putting laundry away and I was doing something in the bathroom Teresa grabbed Cara's deoderant and started playing with it. Cara asked Teresa to return it and no big deal, she did. Two minutes later I am standing beside Cara and hear a cracking sound... Teresa had torqued Cara's right hand glasses arm around 180 degrees, bent the main frame and cuased her lens to pop out. Now we have to look into the cost of new frames or a whole new set of glasses. Cara is leaning to the later rather than the former as she would like sturdier frames against little hands. I personally suggest sports goggles :)
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Teresa's Bottom
Teresa Running Around... This video has to be locked own otherwise it may offend YouTube's standards police (and I don't want just anyone looking at my daughter deshabille). Also, note that in the last clip Cara & I have a grave philosophical difference related to spatulas...
Teresa Reading 'What's Wrong Little Pookie?'
You may note her nasty hacking cough at the very start. BTW this was my concept, and Cara loved it & wanted to share it with the world.
Sickie McSickenstein
Well, since Sunday night Teresa has been battling something and been none too happy about it... She had been running a fever, but her nose has been running like a tap too. Not much else to report, but I figured everyone might want to know why all's quiet on the western front...
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Forgot to mention...
Also, she has not cut her i-teeth (or is that eye-teeth? I'm too lazy to look it up right now), BUT both of the molars (once again, not sure if that is the correct nomenclature) in the spot behind the eye-teeth (play it safe, I'll be right 50% of the time!) are protruding on the outside halves of the teeth.
Teresa News
Well, there is a few things to report on I suppose. Her word repetoire keeps on growing and every day she amazes me with her knowledge of what we are saying. Today she went and found her shoes where she had left them when I asked her to and she put her water cups aside to go down the stairs after I asked her to (and she tried and realized that i was right - it is dangerous)
She is also turning out to be quite the climber! I was sitting on the couch the other day and she used my foot as a step to get up to my lap, the crawled over me to get on the couch. She can sit on the chairs from her table set all by herself and is constantly testing her limits. I am expecting to find her on top of the fridge one of these days:)
As if we were not experiencing enough milestones, we will be buying Teresa her first big girl bed! We first have to clean out the guest bedroom, choose some paint colours and redo the baseboards, but that will be done over spring break. Right now we are leaning towards a The Very Hungry Caterpillar theme for the bedding.
She is also turning out to be quite the climber! I was sitting on the couch the other day and she used my foot as a step to get up to my lap, the crawled over me to get on the couch. She can sit on the chairs from her table set all by herself and is constantly testing her limits. I am expecting to find her on top of the fridge one of these days:)
As if we were not experiencing enough milestones, we will be buying Teresa her first big girl bed! We first have to clean out the guest bedroom, choose some paint colours and redo the baseboards, but that will be done over spring break. Right now we are leaning towards a The Very Hungry Caterpillar theme for the bedding.
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