Hey all, Cara here to give you an update. Teresa can now say mom, dad, up, down and has added an onomatopoeia, a-choo to her repertoire. She can climb the couch all by herself as well as the stone thingy in front of the fire place. She does the hand motions to the song "Wheels on the Bus" and is a proficient nose picker. Ken also discovered today she likes cinnamon hearts. As for food, she still does not like meat, but will eat a whole banana in one sitting.
Teresa and Rowdy still have a dysfunctional relationship. Teresa will hug him, pet him and chase him all while squealing in delight. Rowdy will run away. One thing we did teach the two of them was how to play tug-of-war with Rowdy's rope toy. Teresa loves it and Rowdy will tolerate it for a short period of time, so some progress is being made in this area.
As for funny stories, we have two. The first takes place at the Hoffman's. I was there for book club and brought Teresa with me. They have a dog Rowdy's size and a bunny that happens to be 2 pounds. Well, Teresa saw the bunny, let out a terrified scream, and ran to Lindsay, the tallest point in the room at the time. It took her the rest of the evening to warm up to Oreo, and she wouldn't touch him, but she waved goodbye as we left. So apparently, 80 pound dogs are safe, but 2 pound bunnies are a terrifying concept.
The second story involves Teresa, small toys and our sub-woofer. Ken noticed she had managed to jam a green ball into the opening, and the two of them were very upset by this. Teresa because she could no longer play with her ball and Ken, who was ticked that it was there in the first place. After taking it apart Ken not only emancipated the ball, but a wood block and a mega block, much to Teresa's delight.
Well, that is all I could think of for now, on to the pictures!

Teresa and Ken playing

Hey Rowdy, you could totally get away with eating that.....

It's official, anything is a seat, and we have Wally and Candray to thank for this one.

That's it, I'm outta here!