Hey folks, Cara here. So I've been thinking a lot about the past year about my many lessons as a first time mom, so I decided to compile some of them for you. Here it goes:
1) Pushing for 2 1/2 hours sucks. And yes, you do remember how much it hurts, I just decided it didn't matter.
2) Seeing Teresa for the first time filled me with a feeling of intense joy and love, a feeling I get to relive every time I look at her.
3) No matter how much our friends used to tease him, Ken is a great Dad!
4) Breast pumps were put on earth by Satan.
5) Torturing your non-parent friends by talking about your kids' poop is fun.
6) Parents talk about poop a lot!
7) Watching Teresa's grandparents (both sets) play with her is incredibly cool.
8) Now that I'm a parent I actually understand how much my parents love me....which makes me feel really bad about those teenage years.
9) Strangers really like to tell you how to dress your child.
10) Fathers pick the strangest clothing combinations.
11) Watching your 10 month old daughter chase after and kiss a 7 month old boy gives you a terrifying glimpse into the future.
12) Babies may be cutest when they're sleeping, but they're at their best when they're awake.
13) Feeding Teresa (breast, formula and solids) has proven to be frustrating indeed.
14) Learning to go with the flow has been the best thing I've done as a parent. Seriously.
15) My friends have been my life line. Thanks to them I'm still clinging to the shores of sanity (barely).
16) Seeing other mothers almost faint when they watch Ken play with Teresa makes me giggle on the inside.
17) Trying to punish your kid when the thing they've done wrong is REALLY funny can be tough.
18) Seeing Teresa learn and try new things make me want to go back to school.
19) Watching Ken with Teresa makes me glad I chose him to be my partner on this crazy ride.
20) Non-parents, appreciate all the free time you have, damn you!

This is me meeting Teresa for the first time

Teresa at 1 month

Teresa chillin' at her baby shower

Teresa destroying Ottawa, one catalogue at a time!