Well, I have a pile of news. There have been a couple of reasons why we are so quiet over here lately. The first reason is that my MacBook's hard drive died, completely & kapput! Fortunately, I backed up the night before so all is well, and nothing is too terribly lost. Secondly, I have resigned my position at St. Paul's. Why? Buy me some beer and you will get a story, until I have another job I am not saying anything that future employers can google :) Bottom line: Admin did not see eye to eye with me or other people that were working closely with me and fresh start is best.
Right now, Teresa is whiney which is fine. Lately she has started babbling, and has put the sounds "da-da" I heard it later that day. Right now, Teresa keeps me & Cara going day to day. Anyhow, beyond the big news about our lives (I am looking for a job, until the end of June and then I hit the panic button, and Cara may search too...), Teresa has begun to walk in her walker! She has control upstairs and we have put in the gate! Cara had her first ever Mother's Day and I bought her an Italian charm with Teresa's pic on it AND a Clifford book about his mom where I put Teresa's hand print in it... Also, I gave Teresa her first big girl bath time in the tub. She sat up the whole time and enjoys water dumped all over her
Anyhow, only two things to say pre-pictures:
1 - The MB election is Tuesday, VOTE (for Hugh's peep's), as another four union loving years might help my salary, but kill the province. Even if the Tory is a sure bet / guaranteed loser, ensure the Tories get more votes than Doer
2 - Go SENS! While I believe the red chamber is useless and should be abolished, the hockey team is the next closest to my Habs, and I hope beats the evil Bettman favoured Yankee teams!
Now some pics of Cara reading to Teresa from her Mother's Day gift and Teresa all dressed up nicely for Mother's Day...