As for Teresa, she is very squeaky nowadays making lots of noise. She has also been paying attention to her reflection in the mirror and all in all is a pile of cuteness. Seeing as we got the camera last weekend in Steinbach, I have some pictures to post.
Teresa has been going with me to the dog park and LOVES watching the dogs run around as she giggles the whole time! The ladies there love her too, and my "I'm a widow" story is going to help with the whole 7 year itch thing... Cara & I will have been married 7 years in September and we have been dating now for almost exactly a decade (we agreed to first date in May for June 7, 1997). Teresa has also been out a lot more, and she got a bit of a burn on the MS Walk. Spring is a much better time to have kids around, as we can do more stuff.
Hmmm... What else is there to say? I have 5 weeks of teaching left, and then exams. This weekend holds much raking in store, and I am not looking forward to that. Cara says to mention that she takes after her auntie Pearl, kissing herself in the mirror and that she should be about 28 1/2 inches, and about a pound heavier, although we don’t know b/c the doctor won’t be seeing her until the end of June.
Now some pics...
Teresa's Wild Hair - Note the pudgy legs. So cute! BTW the hair is Myrna's fault. She bathed her, put her to bed then BANG! crazy hair.
Cara & Rowdy & Teresa at the Walk saying hi & Thanks!
Now some pics of Teresa giving... I mean playing with a full moon. Sarah found & bought Teresa a stuffed moon, and she enjoys munching on it!