Friday after Cara was done her work we went straight out to the cottage... When we got there it was incredibly hot in the cottage so we opened it up, put our stuff away and got ready for a nice steak dinner. I immediately noticed that the work has yet to begin on the cottage, but the Evans later told us that they have to wait a little longer for the variance. We forgot potatoes, so I drove off to Doris' and was stopped on the way out of the Park and on the way in by patrol officers wanting to see my driver's park pass and registration. I asked "why" and was told, and I quote, "Because we can". I told them they made a 5 minute trip for potatoes into a long trip and drove off. This led me to thinking how many people can say they've been pulled over three times in the same day, had to show license and registration AND not been ticketed? The evening finished when I went down for swim with Jeff who was staying over at his uncle's cottage.

By the way the fishflies were out early and were thick at night...
Saturday morning Cara and I took Rowdy out for a walk. We took him down to the Grand Marais Pier for a swim. Rowdy enjoyed climbing on the rocks in the water and swam his heart out. This reminds me, the pier now has a new staircase that is sturdy (either that or I forgot about it). We checked in on the bakery which is still undergoing renovations, but will likely be open this weekend and will have bakery stuff (I asked).

On the way home we stopped by a few yard sales, but more on that near the end. By the time we got home we could tell that the day was going to a scorcher, and we saw a few pelicans swimming about. In the end the mercury touched 32C... We went over to Jeff's and went out on the quad and then got ready for the beach.

Jeff and I went down to the front beach for a few hours. I neglected to put sunscreen on, which proved foolish as I got a burn that got worse as the weekend progressed. Sadly though we had to leave for the Bombers game at 6:00. I did though stick around long enough to take a few pictures of the front beach... Look at the crowd!
The Bombers game was great! Any time your team puts up 600+ yards of offence against the defending champs is a good day. A 46-10 rout was exactly what we wanted! Everything clicked, although the defence was a little soft but they made the stops they needed. From the Stadium we could see a thunder storm to the North, although the ground was dry as we drove home.
Sunday we got up and drove to church. Cara can't deal well with the heat so we can't walk anymore. The priest was interesting and energetic. Joe was there singing, so all was well. I made sure I had a pleasant day. With a sunburn on my shoulders, I applied sunscreen and kept my shirt on all day. We took Rowdy out to where the fisherman's cottage used to be to swim in some waves. We went down to the front beach as it clouded over, and began to rain. The crowd was as thick Saturday but it cleared out. After about an hour the skies cleared and the sun was scorching again.

It turned into a beautiful day with a beautiful sunset so I took a few pictured, which sadly don't show the sun's redness.
Monday we got up and I saw some waves that were building. The waves were growing, so we took Rowdy out for a walk and Cara swam him in the lagoon as I went to the front for a swim. I caught a couple of OK rides, and then went to see Cara scolding Rowdy as he ran off to chase some beach goers. At home, we played with him

in the front yard and had a lot of fun, followed by a later return for another swim. The second swim was amazing! I was stunned by the number of excellent rides I got. We went home and got ready to go.
All in all, the weekend was great. I got sun, a Bombers romp, played a pile of cards (and did well) and some fantastic waves! Oh yeah, and the yard sales had some nice finds. Some old juice glasses Cara liked that will end up as liqueur glasses, a puzzle roller (which I promised Cara for her birthday), a hard cover collection of 5 Poirots, and a couple of baby clothing items. One was a Winnie the Pooh sweat shirt & jeans set (12M), but the other was this amazing sleeper. Wally should love (and it is mildly ironic)... A future Jets fan.